
my friends rock my socks!!

seriously though...I could not have been blessed with better friends!! there are many many more friends than are in this post that I am grateful for but these girlies in these pictures graced me with their presence this weekend. After a good night with them I have been going through pictures reminiscing on the times when we all lived in the same town and how many hilarious and awesome things we did together!! These pics are just a very few of the hundreds that I could have added to this post.

Here we are ringing in the New Year! We spent the last night of 2010 extremely well...party on wayne!
One night we all shared a very interesting game of silent football with complete strangers...all thanks to a made up person named Dan Hill. Here are Courtney Brynn and I with other peoples chewed gum on our head as part of Alicia's punishment!
ROADTRIP!! Us Jetettes that graduated in 2010 went up to watch Belle's last year of state drill. We ended the night with this shopping cart in Nikole's apartment!
Gentry and I looking fantabulous after a couple long days of Ambassador training. Yes...we went into public looking like this!
Belles and I on our way to our very first performance together as Rebelettes!
A day of adventure with the two Courtney's!!

Anywhoosers....today I have felt extremely EXTREMELY grateful for how amazing my friends are!! Seriously, we have the greatest times together laughing like idiots but then we can sit down and have serious talks about the gospel. Going to the temple together is one of our favorite things to do! Not only do we have wonderful times when we are together but we all know that every one of us has each others backs and we are always looking out for each other! Being with the Provo gals tonight again made me SOO excited for when I get to move up there and be close to them and have them so close again. Geez...I would be one lost puppy without these AMAZING girls! I feel so honored to call them all my friends!

P.S. this video was taken at the wonderful Stapley Pharmacy. Once upon a time Alicia and I worked together...I know what you are thinking "I bet they didn't get much work done while there together." ...go ahead and watch the clip and then decide for yourself. Yes...we are hiding behind the counter! haha

P.S.S....for whatever reason the computer has the video on this specific part of the clip until you press play?? Lishy girl please don't murder me!


it all works out...

I had one of those weeks that the thought "how am I going to get all this done" ran through my head more than once or twice. Then I found this little quote and have been addicted to it! Goodness I sure do love Gordon B.

To end the week Saturday was jam packed but oh so fun! I had to work from 9-5...ok so that isn't too fun. BUT..as soon as I got off work I joined the traditional Hammer/Hafen rodeo crew! Hails and I only got to stay at the parade for a few minutes and then had to jet off to get ready to perform at another DSC game.
as soon as halftime was done we changed and we were off to the RODEO!!!! I am a cowgirl at heart and always wished...and still do wish to have a horse one day. So the rodeo is a must for me every year. I was happy to find out that the Hammers love the rodeo just as much as I do!
just us wanna be cowgirls!

Janny and Dacie (aka Danny and Jacie) Belle and I quite enjoyed ourselves at the rodeo and then went to Village Inn after for some midnight grub. We had quite interesting conversations and some good laughs at dinner! Saturday was the perfect way to end the week.

Gordon B. knew what he was talking about because...It all worked out this week!