there is a mess of thoughts in my head today. this may bore you but don't say i didn't warn you!
i have been feeling overly grateful for the life that i have.
regardless of the hard decisions that i have to make and the bills to be paid is great!
the beautiful alicia wilcox has coined a little phrase for life.
it is perfect for all situations and will help you to find a smile even when the bad is about to eat you up!
it goes a little something like this,
this life is so (insert descriptive word of current situation here) BUT we are so blessed.
for example:
this life is hard and sometimes sad BUT i am so blessed!
seriously though....adopt this phrase into your daily routine. you will find yourself noticing the good.
i pinky promise.
most mornings in the office i get a visit from a certain professor who is one of my favorites.
he is a very chipper english man that has only live in the states for two years.
i would like to think that santa claus is as jolly as he is.
when he walks in i ask him how he is doing and he always answers the same way,
a bit better than fantastic!
today was different, since it is friday he answered that he is a bit better than a bit better than fantastic.
think about that in a jolly english accent and then try to tell me it doesn't make you cheery.
this daily exchange from him is something that i look forward to.
this girl is a firm believer that we are all as happy as we make ourselves out to be.
....and there you have it.
nothing very profound but that is what has been hanging out up in the old brain area!
i hope your weekend is a bit better than fantastic!
I love this :) its true, if we want to be happy we can make it happen. It was so great to see you today! I'm glad you are doing so well, come see me again soon