
wonderfully wet.

courtney's aunt sent her a "summer fun" package. this package contained squirt guns. said squirt guns then inspired a water fight. however, there was no way we were going to have a small dinky water fight.

we filled around two hundred water balloons.
two large buckets of water for dumping.
loaded the squirt guns.
told the boys we had a surprise for them. they had no clue what was coming.

 we decided it would be the most fun if we were already hiding when they showed up to the apartment. so...we chalked the way to the courtyard. we will refer to it as "the battle grounds"

a note was left on the door inviting them to walk in.
upon walking in there was another note on the coffee table telling them we were now at war.
because we are such nice girls we only left them with four of the two hundred balloons.
oops? nah.

the best/worst/funniest part of it all was this..
they told us they would be to the apartment by nine o'clock. 
we were ready and in position by eight fifty.
three of us on the second floor to ambush from above and the rest of us hidden along with the balloons throughout the battle grounds. 
well.......the boys took a little longer than anticipated. more like an hour longer. 
so there we all sat. hidden from sight of the parking lot. for an entire hour. 
the neighbors thought we were crazy.
laura, courtney and i were on the second level sitting underneath a window and then realized there was a romantic dinner going on inside the apartment to which the window was. crap. we felt like creepers.

another neighbor came home and saw us sitting there with our guns and buckets of water and said "is something bad about to happen?"

our two hispanic neighbors straight from spain came home and we could hear them down on the ground level trying to make sense of our chalk arrows and oh so threatening words of war. we laughed.

the roomie of the hispanic neighbors is our dear sweet mary. she came outside after brenda and neesa went inside. immediately suspecting us she went to the door of the apartment. well on the door was the note for the boys that invited them to walk in. just as we remembered about the note we heard mary open the door and holler "umm guys? what is happening? where are you? are you hiding in the dark?" when we didn't reply she shut the door and took a seat on the curbing right outside.

right about this same time we heard the boys walk up. it took all we had not to burst out laughing when mary said to them, "something fishy is going on boys. there is a note on the door that says come in but no one is there." rats. they went inside and shut the door. now we were all psyched again (after waiting for an hour we had gotten a little solemn) just as we got excited the door opened and one of the boys came out on the phone. we caught that him and only one other boy were there. he was telling whoever was on the other end that we had proclaimed war and that they needed to get there quick. 
so again, we waited.
when the others finally showed up we were more than ready. 
they all went inside for what seemed like and eternity.
they finally emerged.
we waited for them to step out far enough so we could get them.
michael pulse stepped out first. he got an entire bucket of water on his head.
quicker than we had time to think laura and i were cornered, screaming for help.
the rest is a blur. it happened so fast and was so much fun.

needless to say..it was a very successful war. now we are slightly concerned of the retaliation we might receive. we told them to bring it on. probably not the best choice of words huh.


  1. This is EPIC!!! You girls are always up to no good! ;) so much fun Lyss!

  2. Ya'll are in trouble! haha that looks so fun!!

  3. hahaha. that's hilarious. and inspiring. I'm in to repeat this over in these parts.
